I'm hardly ever home on my computer anyways so I forget about Newgrounds a lot, plus this platform doesn't really much care for sketches and the like. So if y'all want to stay up to date with what I'm doing it's best to just go on to my Twitter. Like if I sketch something at work I take a picture of it on my phone and can just upload it with the app and get back to work. That's mostly what happens.
Here's the link, and if you don't like Twitter, I completely understand. It's not the best out there but atleast people can actually see what I post.
hm... ok, i will follow your twitter. But ng is great, this is where i made a lot of friends and where i find some interesting leads
Yeah, I agree, I just wish there was a more efficient way to access it on mobile. I'm just always at work and never home to check my computer. I still try to come by here when I remember to. Thank you though!